Make Memories In Your
Custom-Crafted Backyard

Dream It

Let’s work together to craft an inspiring Utah County landscaping outdoor living space for your family. Your property should be an extension of your incredible home.

Design It

Our team of Utah County landscape architects, professional horticulturist and construction contractors will ensure your plan can be executed at the highest level.

Build It

ince 1980, we’ve been turning exquisite Utah County landscaping plans into show-quality outdoor spaces, as represented by several homes featured in the Parade of Homes.

We carefully craft outdoor living spaces in Utah County

Frederico Outdoor Living has been working with families since 1980 to create spaces outside the home that are as comfortable and enjoyable as those inside the home.

Our legacy is to beautify the environment responsibly while providing personal and professional growth for our team. As we work together on your Utah County landscaping, you’ll feel the difference this makes as each member of our team takes ownership of their roles on your project.

Start Making Memories

Let's get together and discuss your
dream outdoor space.

Utah County Landscaping Specialists

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